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Thankfully he isn't in the driver's seat! |
So what exactly have we learned about Lowell Kevin Hubbs?
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes that you can cure Cancer with common household baking soda.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes you can CURE cancer with a substance extracted from urine.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has been addicted to prescription drugs.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has numerous felony convictions for drunk driving.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has felony convictions for theft and shoplifting.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes others are trying to hire hitmen to “take him out”.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has been banned from the campus of Sanford Hospital, their clinics, and all other facilities including the library.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs still believes there is some vast conspiracy to discredit Andrew Wakefield and that Wakefield was right all along.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes the CEO of Sanford Health himself has spent at least $75,000 to silence Mr. Hubbs or put out a hit on him.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has questionable associations with others who may or may not be involved in illegal activity which Lowell Hubbs pretends does not exist.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs has been involved in lawsuits against the very drug companies that he relied upon to feed his addictions.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes polio was caused by refined sugar and that the disease just magically disappeared on its own with no help from Salk’s polio vaccine.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes Chiropractic care can cure disease even if there is no scientific evidence of it.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes that referencing whale.to somehow makes a claim credible.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs prefers to post under multiple usernames in an attempt to defend himself.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs will post under other people’s usernames and try to impersonate them as he fabricates stories and invents lies.
We have learned that Mr. Hubbs will resort to personal threats and intimidation when he realizes that he can’t rely upon scientific fact.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs is a moon-landing conspiracy theorist.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes that hackers are continually tracking his every move including hacking his computer, the Argus Leader website, Google’s servers, Midcontinent Communications network, his email, GoDaddy’s web servers, and pretty much every other form of technology known to man.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs will go so far as to create fake blog pages and take screenshots of them which he then pretends are being "hacked" on to other blogs all in a silly attempt to play the role of a victim.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes that Kevin Trudeau is a trusted medical expert.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes that prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the US even though there is zero scientific evidence to support that idiotic viewpoint.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs believes you can diagnose neurological disorders by looking at a person’s eye movements previously recorded on a videotape and that you can treat those disorders with nutritional supplements sold by the very person who performs the diagnoses.
We have learned that Lowell Hubbs associates with people that in his own words are pedophiles, and rather than reporting his claims or suspected sexual abuse to the authorities, he instead fabricates excuses as to why he hasn’t done so.
Last, but certainly not least, we have learned that Lowell Hubbs is most likely suffering from numerous mental and psychological issues and that he thus far has refused to seek the assistance of a qualified mental health professional which only suggests (based upon his words and actions) that one day we will likely read his name in the paper as being involved in some violent act against innocent civilians whom he disagrees with.
So there you have a summary of the man known as Lowell Kevin Hubbs. His own words, his own statements, his own actions, his own history… all right here for anyone and everyone to read, absorb, and use to form their own opinions on the questionable mental stability of this man. I would love to say that I’ve made it all up and that none of it is true or that there is nobody on the planet that has these crazy viewpoints, but sadly this is all true and as disturbing as it may seem… Mr. Hubbs is very much real.
In truth, it is probably a discredit to Mr. Hubbs to refer to him as a vaccine conspiracy theorist when it seems so obvious that he doesn’t limit himself to only vaccines, but since we can’t cover the gamut on one lone blog we will continue to do our best to focus upon vaccines and vaccine related issues as we continue to expose Mr. Hubbs for what he really is.
And do you have any proof of all that??? or as to anything in your most recent pages. Answer: No. It's absolutely nothing but mindless denial and stupidity, all of it; anyone can see that for what it is. In comparison, what exists here amounts to no more than you have on the proof of vaccine safety and effectiveness. It's worthless.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I have all the proof and specific information and the science to show they are not safe nor effective. So, what do you have? Answer: Nothing, and you never have. You can not debate me on a one on one, and you never could, and never will be able to. What I have is to much fact and truth, and you now that. You are simply a a very angry person who can not tolerate nor accept the facts.
Everything in your life is a smoke screen and a lie, Costner; how does that feel? Do you not think nor realize that you have done your agenda more harm than good? As well, anyone that is looking for the real truth, will be even more determined to find out the facts. Why? Because they can clearly see that someone with that big of an agenda to destroy one person and their credibility, clearly has a great deal to hide, as to the truth. What you believe you have done, is exactly the opposite of what you have in reality actually done. The sheeple will always be sheeple, no matter what; nothing much can change them, they are simply to dumb and brainwashed. Those with to much to lose will always be complete denialists. So, who in the mix actually matters??? Answer: Those who are actively searching for the vaccine and as well the so called modern medicine truth. Those are the only people that matter, those who we and I can put the truth forth in front of, and that they will realize that truth, and further educate themselves to the same. Do YOU actually think you can hold those people back by the bullshit personal attack on credibility you have going on here? And additionally you are going to do that from a position of no identity? It is not happening, I guarantee it. You are clearly and entirely insane, alias Costner! You only a product representation of the sickness that 100 years of lies within allopathic medicine circles has produced. It is that simple.
I can shut you down on any level you try at, given the chance; and THAT is why you do the personal attack you do, while having the opportunity to control all the information you can. How sick is that? When you look in the mirror do you EVER see what you really are?
I can shut you down on any level you try at, given the chance; and you clearly know THAT. Want to dispute that; then put your words to the actual test? You can't and you know it. How's that feel? That is why you do the personal attack you do, while having the opportunity to control all the information you can. How sick is that? When you look in the mirror, do you EVER see what you really are? Do you ever realize even for a minute, how sick you really are?
Yes Mr. Hubbs I do have proof "of all of that". Each post contains links, sources, or in some cases direct quotes. If there is a specific item you disagree with, it might help you to be a tad more specific.
ReplyDeleteI know you believe you have "the proof" and "the science" to show vaccines are not effective, but the scienctific community, medical community, research community, as well as the historical community simply disagree with you. So should we trust scientists and researchers and historians... or should we trust a self-admitted drug addict with a criminal record who is a proven conspiracy theorist, works in a meat processing plant, cites websites such as whale.to, and brags about the fact he was educated at the "University of Google"?
Tough choice on that one.
Listen Mr. Hubbs, you can continue to claim you can "win" a debate on the subject of vaccines and you can continue to claim you can "shut me down" all day. It doens't change a single thing. You have your own blogs and websites where you can share whatever it is you choose... but I'm not a fan of posting your endless diatribes relating to vaccine conspiracy theories. You don't have to like it (clearly you don't) and you don't have to agree with it (again clearly you don't), but that is just how it is.
I know this upsets you greatly which is why you seem to spend so much time on this blog attempting to post comment after comment, but you don't get to control the conversation everywhere you go. You will always be a minority voice and outside of anti-vaccination websites you will always be considered nothing more than a distraction. You aren't an advocate... in fact you have done the anti-vaccination crowd a vast disservice by being associated with their movement, because once peole learn who you really are they simply cannot take you seriously.
It seems most vaccine conspiracy theorists don't want to be associated with someone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job or someone who is rambling on about fake moon landings, black helicopters, or secret video cameras monitoring your every move. For the life of me I just can't figure out why that is the case.
Also just for the record Mr. Hubbs, I don't spend 15 hours a day on the Internet, so I don't always see your comments within minutes. Thus it isn't necessary to post a comment ten minutes later complaining that I didn't post your first comment when I haven't even had a chance to see the first comment. When you essentially post the same comment multiple times, I hope you'll understand why I only post one of them. As much as you like to repeat yourself, I really don't see the point.
All of that being said, would you like to focus on the topic at hand for a change? Perhaps you would like to discuss vaccines? More specifically, perhaps you would like to discuss why even years after your initial claims you have been unable to find one single peer-reviewed study published in any reputable medical journal worldwide which has been able to link any vaccine or combination of vaccines to autism.
Not a single one. Worldwide. Ever.
Is it time to move the goalposts again Mr. Hubbs, or do you think one of these days you might just be ready to admit there is no evidence to support your unscientific opinion on the matter?
Thought so.
All of that being said, would you like to focus on the topic at hand for a change? Perhaps you would like to discuss vaccines? More specifically, perhaps you would like to discuss why even years after your initial claims you have been unable to find one single peer-reviewed study published in any reputable medical journal worldwide which has been able to link any vaccine or combination of vaccines to autism.
ReplyDeleteNot a single one. Worldwide. Ever.
Really, like I said, would YOU actually like to debate that? Lets compare the science you have in an attempt to claim that vaccines do not cause autism, to the level of science and information I have, to show that they do. How about lets not only talk about autism, but neurological damage and damage to the health of these children in general; all caused by vaccines. I told you don't even attempt to think you can create one more page until you answer to what is in front of you. You can't and you know it. All to obviously everything the CDC has ever put forth, and Paul Offit as well; is all nothing but a bunch of misleading crap and lies. Yes, and there is more than enough and overwhelming proof of it. Where is your so called science? Peer reviewed? Do you not see the journals I take my studies from; are you going to tell me that is not peer reviewed; when they clearly are, and as far from non reputable sources. The problem for you is that those journals clearly are far more applicable to and for sources of evaluation of vaccine damage, than anything that you have, or ever will. Is there any front that you have not lost on yet, as to the real information? I do not just think that, I know that as a fact. Still want to claim there is no science to back my the claims I make? Wow. could it get any more lying and delusional for you?
Vaccine Caused Ischemia/Hypoxia
Reply to: Review, Revisit, Recap, (Part Two)
Lowell I think you are confusing "science" and "wild theories unsupported by any studies or research".
ReplyDeleteI don't claim to have science that proves vaccines do not cause autism, because you can't prove a negative (as I have attempted to explain to you dozens of times). What I have shown is research which has been done on autism which leads us to believe there are genetic components to the disease among other factors.
I have also shown you evidence and studies which have examined vaccines and vaccine components but have never shown a link between them and autism. You have also been shown data that shows vaccination rates do not align with autism rates whether it be within a group of children, or from different countries that don't follow the US vaccination schedule. There are mountains of evidence to examine, but the fact is none of the peer-reviewed published data has been able to show a link between vaccines and autism.
Your friend Andy Wakefield tried, but as we all know he fabricated his evidence, falsified medical records, and basically lied his way to conclusions that were later proven to be inaccurate... which explains why he was stripped of his medical license and why his "study" was retracted. You can claim it was all some massive conspiracy to frame him, but in the end your claims don't change the facts.
Thus once again - there is no peer-reviewed reputable and published evidence linking vaccines and autism. Not in the US, not in any other nation, not ever. Biased statements and claims from snakeoil salesman or quacks who self-publish non peer-reviewed data don't quite count Mr. Hubbs, and when you attempt to use your own website or a website such as whale.to as your evidence you can never be taken seriously.
Thankfully the glory days of anti-vaxxers seem to have passed as more and more people realize the importance of vaccines, and Jenny McCarthy once again earns more attention for her association with Playboy magazine than she does with her association with Generation Rescue or autism.